Acupuncture for Elbow Tendonitis

Tennis elbow  Golfer-s elbowjpg

Elbow tendonitis is more commonly known as tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. They are repetitive strain injuries that occur when the tendons attaching the forearm muscles to the bony bumps (epicondyles) on the outside and inside of the elbow become inflamed due to overuse and repetitive motions, leading to small tears in the tendon.  The tendonitis often occurs in your dominant arm, so if you are right-handed it is more likely to develop in your right elbow.

The forearm muscles allow you to grip, lift, rotate and flex your wrist, and these actions may become difficult or painful. Pain is felt on the outside or inside of your elbow and it may radiate along your forearm to your wrist. Your elbow may become stiff and you might have weakness or tingling in your arm or hand.

Rest is required to avoid continued aggravation of the tendon and gentle exercise helps to maintain movement. Symptoms may slowly get worse over time if the injury is not allowed to heal. Acupuncture can reduce the pain and swelling caused by elbow tendonitis and it also increases the blood circulation and qi (energy) flowing to the tendon, allowing your body to heal itself faster.

Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) causes pain on the outside of the elbow.  The name comes from the arm motion when hitting a backhand in tennis, putting stress on the back of the wrist and the tendon connecting the forearm extensor muscles to the outside of the elbow. Tennis elbow affects the muscles used to bend the wrist backwards and straighten your fingers. Pain is felt when lifting objects with your palm facing upwards.

Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) causes pain on the inside of the elbow. The name comes from the arm motion when swinging to hit a golf ball (and similar to hitting a forehand in tennis), putting stress on the front of the wrist and the tendon connecting the forearm flexor muscles to the inside of the elbow. Golfer’s elbow affects the muscles that flex your wrist and close your fingers into a fist. Pain is felt when lifting objects with your palm facing downwards.

However tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow does not just happen with sports. Many people with manual jobs recognise the tendonitis pain as repetitive strain injury from repetitive arm motion making plumbers, carpenters and painters susceptible. Everyday activities can also put repetitive stress and strain on your forearms such as lifting and carrying heavy bags, small hand and wrist movements when typing on a keyboard or knitting for several hours, and twisting your wrist when using a screwdriver or opening a jar.

Acupuncture for pain management helps your body to feel better which in turn uplifts your mind and spirit bringing a greater balance to your enjoyment of life. Book a treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.