Find Stability In The Golden Glow Of Late Summer

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Late summer is a turning point between the yang seasons of spring and summer and the yin seasons of autumn and winter. The warmth of summer is still in the air but the mornings are getting cooler and the daylight is gradually becoming shorter in the evenings.

Late summer is when we are happy and content with what we have. It is a time of being busy and sociable, centred around a relaxed calmness, making people feel safe and cosy. In years gone by, late summer was the time of harvest and giving thanks for everything the soil had produced. Bringing in the harvest was hard work but it was done with relaxed contentment, knowing that it meant full store cupboards. A poor harvest led to worry and people knew they would have to adapt.

Earth is the element associated with late summer giving us a feeling of stability. It allows us to think clearly and transform ideas into action. However if we become too comfortable and content we have less of a desire for change and can become indecisive and uncertain. Earth loses its stability and thoughts churn in an endless spiral. Nothing is achieved, leading to worry and anxiety.

Earth is generous during times of abundance, and thrifty during times of need. It makes the most of what there is but always has something to give without expecting anything in return. It has the ability to make something out of barely anything when necessary. But if there is nothing left to give, Earth will start to feel sorry for itself and seek sympathy, which turns into insecurity and neediness.

Does this sound like you? Do you find that you are always rushing around trying to help everyone else but never have time to look after yourself? Do you struggle to say ‘no’ and keep taking on more and more? Do you find that you think about things too much, not able to make up your mind, which leads to more worry? If so, perhaps your Earth element is out of balance.

 “Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are.

When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”

Lao Tzu

Five Element Acupuncture brings the body, mind and spirit into balance to improve your health and wellbeing. Book a treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.