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There are two days in every week that we have no control over – Yesterday and Tomorrow. Today is the only day we can change.

Yesterday with all its mistakes, regrets, sorrow and pain is gone. However much we try, we cannot bring back Yesterday and we cannot undo what was said and done.

Tomorrow with all its promises, disappointments and burdens is not yet here. The only certainty about Tomorrow is that the sun will rise and if we’re lucky we will shine in its golden glow but if it is masked behind the clouds we will dance in the raindrops knowing the sun is lighting our way.

So we are left with Today and we can manage to get through one day. It is the overwhelming thoughts of Yesterday and Tomorrow that become too much for us. Don’t live in the bitterness of Yesterday or the dread of Tomorrow, but live in the moment of what Today brings. Be aware of your surroundings, acknowledge your emotions, remember to breathe and focus on moving forward one day at a time.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with the worries of Yesterday and Tomorrow, why not try acupuncture to help you feel more in the present moment? Book a five element treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.

Live in the present moment the past is behind us the future is yet unwrittenjpg

The lotus flower is often seen as a symbol of wellness, with resilience and strength through adversity giving hope that it is possible to rise from a dark place and thrive. This fragrant flower with exotic foliage has its roots in the mud and rises up through the dark, murky water to find the light. Unlike a waterlily which is content to float on top of the water once it reaches the surface, the lotus flower continues to grow upwards so that it stands proud above the water. This allows the maximum amount of light and warmth to reach the petals when the flower blooms. The lotus flower closes up at night and sinks back down into the muddy water ready to re-emerge into the light in pristine condition the next day. It does this for a few days before the petals fall away leaving a seed pod. Eventually the seeds are dispersed on the wind and water where they sink back into the mud for the growing cycle to start again. If you feel like you’re stuck in the mud or struggling to find your way through the darkness, acupuncture can help you find the right direction to reach the light and overcome life’s challenges so that you can bloom into a beautiful you. Book a five element treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.

Just like the lotus we too have the ability to rise from the mud bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the worldjpg

Movement is essential to life and health. A metal gate will rust in place if it is not opened and closed regularly. Our joints become stiff and painful if we sit for too long. Water becomes stagnant if it cannot flow. Qi (pronounced chee) is our life force energy which flows around our body in channels called meridians. When our qi energy is balanced and flowing freely around our body, we feel well and healthy. When our qi energy has become stuck somewhere, our body is out of balance so we get ill and pain occurs. Pain can be classed as physical such as a sore back or arthritis or a headache, or it can be mental/emotional such as stress or anxiety. During an acupuncture session, the needles encourage any stuck qi to start moving again so that balance is restored to your body helping to keep you healthy and pain free. Ready to make the first move? Book an acupuncture treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.

Where there is no movement there is pain where there is movement there is no painjpg

Your health is your greatest wealth. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, or what car your drive, or how many holidays you go on, or whether you’ve found your dream job… nothing matters as much as your health.

Injury acupuncture targets pain in a specific part of your body. It is a natural alternative to taking over-the-counter pills to mask the pain and it encourages your body to use its own internal healing mechanism so that you recover faster.

Five element acupuncture is a holistic treatment for physical and emotional issues affecting your whole being. It helps your body, mind and spirit to regain its natural healthy balance. When your internal energy is balanced everyday activities are easier and you’ll feel like you can tackle problems without being overwhelmed by them.

Invest in your health today. Book an acupuncture treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.

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Our bodies are amazing healing machines. Acupuncture works to rebalance the nervous system so your body can properly function and heal itself. So it’s not the actual acupuncture that heals you, but rather your body heals itself and just needs a little extra boost sometimes. Your body needs to work in sync with itself. If part of your body is struggling, another part of your body will have to compensate for that weakness. This can have a knock-on domino effect until every part of your body is struggling. Help your body to regain its balance with acupuncture. Book a five element treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.

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We are all unique. Two people can have the same symptoms but the cause of those symptoms is likely to be different for each person. For instance, two people suffering from insomnia may both take sleeping pills to help them sleep. This addresses the symptom but not the cause. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the insomnia could be due to a number of different reasons which need to be identified and addressed so that their sleep improves. Symptoms are your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong and action is needed. If you ignore the symptom, it could make things worse. If you treat only the symptom, you may be missing the reason the symptom occurred. Silencing a symptom does not always address the reason for the symptom in the first place. Acupuncture restores balance by treating the cause, not just the symptoms, so the person is treated as a whole, leading to a longer lasting level of wellbeing. Book a five element treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.

If you listen to your body when it whispers you won-t have to hear it screamjpg

One of the amazing things about acupuncture is that you don’t need to wait until you are sick before having acupuncture. Many people use acupuncture to maintain a good level of health and wellbeing as a preventative measure so they don’t get sick. Acupuncture helps to strengthen your immune system, keeping you healthy. Book a five element treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.

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It has never been more important to look after your physical health and mental health. Everyone is talking about it but are you doing it? Acupuncture can help with all sorts of physical, mental and emotional problems. There are a wide range of ages coming into the clinic for acupuncture, both men and women, from 20-something to 80-something and every decade in between. It is a great excuse to have a little snooze during the day on the treatment couch while the needles do their work. Book a five element treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.

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Acupuncture is great for relieving and managing pain due to short or long term injury and illness. But do you know it can help with mental and emotional issues as well? Do you lie awake at night with insomnia? Do you suffer from debilitating migraines? Are your hormones causing chaos? Do you have problems with your digestion? Are you feeling stressed with work, family or life in general? Are you struggling to get over something that happened to you? Do you get anxious or have panic attacks? Why not try acupuncture? Book a five element treatment with Kathy Hitchens at Balancing Acupuncture in Truro.